North Dakota Coronavirus Cases


ND Coronavirus Reporting Overview Graph, 45 Positive Cases, 1910 Negative, 1955 total tested, 4 isolation discontinued, 8 hospitalized, 0 deaths


ND Coronavirus Reporting Per Counties graph, Burleigh 18, Morton 8, Cass 6, Ramsey 3, ward 3, Pierce 2, Stark 2, Dunn 1, Foster 1, Walsh 1, and a total of 45


ND Coronavirus Age Group graph, ages 0-9 at 0, ages 10-19 at 1, ages 20-29 at 7, ages 30-39 at 9, ages 40-49 at 4, ages 50-59 at 8, ages 60-69 at 8, ages 70-79 at 7, ages 80+ at 1. 21 are male and 18 are female